Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yummy Cereal!

Addy had her first solids yesterday! The pediatrician gave us the go-ahead last week so we decided to give it a try. I think it was definitely a success. Check out the pictures from Addy's first taste of rice cereal.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

She rolled over!

Addy rolled over from belly to back today! She's been trying for about a week now and when she finally did it, she giggled like crazy! It was just the cutest thing to see her so proud of herself.
She's growing up so fast; I can hardly believe it.

My Mama's an Obama Mama!

Addy went to her first political rally on Feb. 25th. She was such a good girl the entire time! It was freezing out and we had to wait for over 2 hours just to go inside (luckily Addy and I were able to duck into a nearby building to keep warm for most of the wait). Once we got inside, we still had to wait for a couple hours until Barack finally arrived to speak. But Addy, being the good baby she is, slept through most of the waiting time.

Luckily, we made lots of friends while we waited! Here is Addy with Audrey, one of the nice women with whom we were in line and sat.

Once she finally woke up, Addy got to participate in the excitement. She even appeared on the jumbo-tron with Daddy!

All in all, a great time was had by all! Who knows, maybe her first word will be "Obama"!

Let's Pretend I'm a Good Mommy.

Ok. So I was never good at keeping diaries when I was a kid. Why did I think I would be good at updating a blog? Oh well. I try. For what it's worth, I've THOUGHT of a few posts that I wanted to add the last few weeks. So I'll post them. You pretend that they were actually posted in a timely fashion, and nobody needs to know that I also haven't started a baby book for Addy either. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

She should be a model!

Addy had her first professional pictures done yesterday. We went to a great place in Crestview Hills called Portrait Innovations; they did a great job. We were very lucky that Addy was in such a good mood the entire time, but she was far too curious about the studio to do very much smiling! (Very skeptical baby) She looked absolutely gorgeous. In addition to about a million prints, they gave us a CD with all of the photos on it. (Alex and I have had a great time playing around with them in photoshop!) I've uploaded some of the best ones (he took 120!) to shutterfly so if you are interested in having prints of your own, you can either order them through there or let me know, we may have extras of some things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Welcome to Addy's World!

Welcome, friends and family. Here you can find news and updates regarding our little peanut, Addy. I'll try to update often, but we all know how that goes!